
Third Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics

Napoli, December 5-6 2016



CLiC-it 2016 Awards include 1 Best Young Paper and 5 Distinguished Young Papers.

Awards Nomination Process

Award candidates have been selected among papers submitted by Master/PhD student(s) or postDoc (with the PhD completed over the last two years), with or without the supervisor among the authors, which received an average review score higher than 2. The main selection criteria have been indicated in the originality and innovativity of the contribution. In case of a tie, the award has been assigned to the paper with the youngest author(s).

The selection committee of CLiC-it 2016 Awards was formed by the CLiC-it Program Chairs together with the AILC executive Board, for a total of 10 researchers. Each committee member has been asked to assign a score ranging from 1 to 5 to each candidate paper, excluding co-authored papers. The papers which received the highest average scores are the winners of the CLiC-it 2016 Awards.


The author(s) of awarded papers:

  • Received a signed and stamped official award certificate, distributed in a dedicated session during the conference;

  • Will be invited to submit an extended and revised version of the paper for publication in the Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics (IJCoL);

  • Will receive a one year free membership to AILC (2017/2018): this only applies to the Young Author(s) of ALL awarded papers;

  • Will receive a free Registration to the CLiC-it 2017 Conference: this only applies to the Young Author(s) of the BEST paper.

Award Winners

Best Young Paper

  • Edoardo Maria Ponti, Elisabetta Jezek, Bernardo Magnini - Grounding the Lexical Sets of Causative-Inchoative Verbs with Word Embedding

Distinguished Young Papers

  • Andrea Vanzo, Danilo Croce, Roberto Basili, Daniele Nardi - Context-aware Spoken Language Understanding for Human Robot Interaction

  • Rajen Chatterjee, Gebremedhen Gebremelak, Matteo Negri, Marco Turchi - Online Automatic Post-Editing across Domains

  • Marco S. G. Senaldi, Gianluca E. Lebani, Alessandro Lenci - Determining the Compositionality of Noun-Adjective Pairs with Lexical Variants and Distributional Semantics

  • Martina A. Rodda, Marco S.G. Senaldi and Alessandro Lenci - Panta Rei: Tracking Semantic Change with Distributional Semantics in Ancient Greek

  • Stavros Bompolas, Marcello Ferro, Claudia Marzi, Franco Alberto Cardillo and Vito Pirrelli - Reassessing inflectional regularity in Modern Greek conjugation

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CLiC-IT 2016

Email: clic.it2016@gmail.com